• Self-love

    What is self-care and how to implement it

    Do you try to exercise, sleep well, and eat well but still feel exhausted, burnt out or just not great? Do you feel like even though you try your best to take care of yourself, you’re just not doing so? Have you started to question what self-care actually is? Keep reading because, in this post, I’ll answer what is self-care and how to implement it. What is your idea of self-care? Maybe it is yoga, getting your nails done, exercising, or treating yourself to a nice meal. Whatever it may be if your idea of self-care is a specific activity, keep reading to find out what self-care really is. Any…

  • Mindset,  Spirituality

    Understanding how to let go of outcomes you can’t control

    What is control? Does your mind excessively plan out the meeting in your head to make sure it goes how you planned? Are you stressed about a conversation with someone and ruminate about it in your head? Do you try to plan out everything you will do today in your head? If you are a student, do you ruminate about a test after completing it? Do you try to calculate what mark you’ll get? All of these are examples of control. The mind is interesting in the way it works. It tries to control outcomes even when it knows it can’t control them. It’ll try to constantly think or ruminate…

  • Healing,  Mindset

    How to quickly reduce anxiety in the mind and body

    Anxiety can wreak havoc on your life especially if you experience it regularly. Anxiety is not dangerous but it is extremely uncomfortable. After experiencing anxiety attacks and anxiety for a couple of years, I’ve learned a few ways to calm my body and mind. So keep reading if you want to learn how to quickly reduce anxiety both in the mind and body. What is Anxiety? Anxiety is an emotion that involves physiological, cognitive, and behavioural symptoms. Anxiety occurs because of the apprehension of a future event. The key point to keep in mind here is that anxiety is an emotion. It is not simply just worrying about something or…

  • Mindset

    Journaling for beginners: 5 ultimate tips to get started

    Has anyone ever told you, “you should try journaling?” Perhaps you’ve even considered it but don’t know where to begin. For someone who may have never used a journal in their lives, it may be unfamiliar to just write. So let’s do a deep dive into the world of journaling to understand journaling for beginners and the 5 ultimate tips to get you started. Journaling for beginners: What is journaling? Journaling is a tool that can be used in many ways but it has one purpose: to bring clarity. You can journal for various reasons. It’s a great place for getting things off your mind essentially bringing more space and…

  • Spirituality

    5 signs you know yourself and 8 ways to get to know to yourself better

    We often think about how well we know our friends, partners, parents or children but have you ever thought about how well you know yourself? If you’re reading this article, chances are you have! But who cares? Why does knowing yourself even matter? Cultivating self-awareness or knowing yourself may be one of the most important things you can do in your life especially if you want to be successful, happy, and/or abundant. You need to know your strengths so you can capitalize on them and simultaneously know your weaknesses to address them. But what does it mean to know yourself? What is self-awareness? What are the signs that you have…

  • Mindset

    4 simple and scientifically-backed ways to feel happy

    The self-help industry is a billion-dollar industry gaining increased popularity in the past few years. Whether it’s relationships, money, work, or health, so many people around the globe are seeking more personal development books, seminars/conferences, and coaches. One underlying theme among these self-help seekers is that many of them are seeking happiness. They are looking for ways to feel happy. However, many times these seekers become so engrossed in trying to find solutions that they become stuck or these solutions don’t actually work. This is because many people in the self-help industry often give advice based on their own experience or the experience of others. But some of that advice…

  • Mindset

    3 Reasons Why Pursuing Happiness is Useless

    “Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every moment with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley (1933) Happiness is not a destination. I think we must have heard this many times but what does it mean? Today the science shows us that the act of explicitly pursuing happiness is self-defeating. It seems that the wisdom of the past is indeed true. Happiness is not something that can be attained. But why is trying to be happier, not useful? Let’s take a look at a few reasons why explicitly trying to be happier is not helpful. #1. What is happiness exactly?…

  • Mindset

    How to consciously change your perception

    Have you ever wondered why some of us are able to upgrade and evolve our lives while others stay stuck? Have you noticed that some people don't have much in life but are still happy while others are miserable? Or maybe you know some people that view the glass as half-full while others view it as half-empty. So what accounts for these differences? The answer is simply one's perception. In this blog post, I aim to discuss the topic of how we perceive and how to intentionally bring about a shift in our perception.