
  • Mindset,  Self-love

    Your Ultimate Guide to Using the Best Affirmations for Self-Love

    When cultivating self-love, you must change your self-talk. One of the best ways to do so is through affirmations! But have you ever wondered what affirmations are and how to use them to get the best results? Keep reading because I’ll answer both questions in addition to providing you with the best affirmations for self-love. This is the ultimate guide to the best affirmations for self-love. Read until the end to find out how to create your own affirmations! What are Affirmations? Affirmations at the core are phrases or sentences that one repeats to themselves to create self-love or other outcomes. These outcomes can include more money, self-esteem, better health…

  • Self-love

    Self-love journey: 7 steps to finding your authentic self

    If you’re here, you’re probably wondering what is self-love. How do I truly love myself? What is this self-love journey? Does this self-love journey ever end? Do I finally just learn to love myself? I’m going to attempt to answer some of these questions in this blog post. But first what is self-love? Love is something so innate to us that consciously thinking about loving yourself can seem jarring. After all, we all know how to love someone right? We love our parents, kids, spouses, and even friends. But how do you give yourself love? Let’s unpack this first. Think about someone you really love. A parent, kid, spouse, or…

  • Self-love

    What is self-care and how to implement it

    Do you try to exercise, sleep well, and eat well but still feel exhausted, burnt out or just not great? Do you feel like even though you try your best to take care of yourself, you’re just not doing so? Have you started to question what self-care actually is? Keep reading because, in this post, I’ll answer what is self-care and how to implement it. What is your idea of self-care? Maybe it is yoga, getting your nails done, exercising, or treating yourself to a nice meal. Whatever it may be if your idea of self-care is a specific activity, keep reading to find out what self-care really is. Any…