Mindset,  Spirituality

10 Easy and Simple Ways to Find Joy in Life

We live in such a complex world today. Everything we do is for some greater purpose or outcome. We create connections with others for networking purposes. We smile so we can hide how we really feel. We eat the same food as others so we can belong.

Now none of this is wrong. Our modern world is fantastic. But sometimes it feels like something is missing. That simplicity. That ease of a simple life where we didn’t have so many worries or tensions.

It’s interesting how the quality of life has improved but our quality of living has declined. We have the best foods easily available. We have clean water at the turn of a tap. Free-flowing electricity at the switch of the light.

But somewhere, that smile has disappeared. That joy has faded. And that spark for being alive has dimmed.

In a world where everything is easily accessible, why is our peace of mind and joy so costly? Why have we made our life so easy but our living so complex? This is the reason why our mental health is suffering and why joy seems like a rare diamond.

So how can we find more joy in our daily lives? Do we need to go to therapy or take expensive vacations to find joy? NO! Joy can be found in the simplest moments of life. Here are some simple, free, and effortless ways to find joy!

1. Find pleasure and joy in food

Warm meals that are hearty and nourishing are the best in my opinion. In this fast-paced world, we eat without even paying attention to how it makes us feel. We eat while working or scrolling through our phones. Never do we take the time to stop and feel the flavours dancing on our tongues.

The next time you eat, I encourage you to pause, take a deep breath and really feel the flavours. Be mindful of your food. If it’s your favourite food, you may really enjoy it.

I personally love the taste of dark chocolate so when I bite into it, I feel like my world just got 10x better. The sweetness of the sugar and the bitterness of the cocoa just melt so perfectly on my tongue. Food is one of the simplest and easiest ways to find joy in life!

What’s your favourite food? How you are going to derive as much joy as possible from it?

Various foods on table showing how you can find joy in life through the pleasure of food.

2. Water or other drinks

If you’re reading this article, you probably have access to water which you take for granted. Can you think about the last time you actually tasted water?

Maybe it was after a hard workout when water tastes the best. But what if you tasted water every time you had it and really felt gratitude for that cold and clear sip?

Now is also a great time to taste that coffee or tea you always have in the morning. Cherish it even though you have it every day. Might just uplift your mood even more!

3. Find joy in life by connecting with those around you

We often take our loved ones for granted. We assume our family and friends will always be there so we take them for granted. But they won’t always be there and life is short so cherish your time with them.

The next time you are interacting with them, remember to give them your undivided attention as even a smile from your spouse, parent, or kid can brighten your day.

Giving your undivided attention to them and being present with them, will help you feel connected to others. Even a 5-minute conversation that is undivided attention can bring you so much joy!

4. Go for a 10-minute walk in nature

Nature is something that takes my breath away at times! Its beauty is so awe-inducing. Even if you live in the city, you can still be in nature. Just go outside and feel the air on your face. Marvel in the things around you and you’re bound to feel joy!

Feel the sun shining on you. Take a moment to look up at the clouds. What shapes are they forming? Have you taken a moment to notice the trees or flowers around you? Can you smell the flowers? Are there birds chirping or flying by?

I know these things might seem simple but we often go out of our way to see the things that naturally exist around us. For example, we go to botanical gardens and zoos to witness nature. But have you ever stopped to view the tree growing in your yard or the birds that are flying above you all the time?

You can feel the same joy of visiting a zoo when you pay attention to the small creatures in your backyard, park, or neighbourhood!

5. Smile!

This is another easy and simple way to find joy in life and something you can do even if you’re homeless. Smiling is always free and I know that at times we don’t want to smile, especially when you’re tired but smiling actually produces dopamine.

Dopamine is the feel-good hormone meaning that it is released when we are happy, joyful, or having fun! So smile at a stranger or your work colleague. It’ll feel good and it’ll double when they smile back at you!

6. Sun shining

I don’t know where you live but here in Canada, getting the sun to shine can feel like a rare opportunity. So whenever I see it, I take the opportunity to bask in it and really feel grateful for its light. The sun coming out makes me feel good. I see it and instantly, my mood is uplifted.

So if you see the sun shining, take a moment to feel grateful for it. It’ll double your joy. If you want to TRIPLE and QUADRUPLE your joy, go outside for a walk in the sun and smile at any stranger you meet along the way.

beach with waves and sun shining

7. A moment of quiet and peace

In these busy and racy minds, a moment of quietude and peace can feel like a rare gem to find. So at the end of a long day or whenever you feel this moment of peace, stop and just observe the silence.

Feel grateful for it and enjoy the peace. If you’re having a hard time finding moments of quiet and peace, learn the 7 effortless ways to cultivate more calm and peace throughout your day. Again, it’s simple and easy to implement!

woman sitting cross legged and doing  meditation

8. Your bed

I don’t know about you, but my bed just feels so relaxing and cozy, especially after a long day. After I put my blanket on top, I feel this child-like joy that I felt when building fortresses with bedsheets. I feel safe, protected, and just nurtured.

So if you have a bed that gives you this feeling, cherish it, and enjoy it. At the end of the day, when you crawl into bed, feel the sheets and the blankets. Feel the coziness. The more gratitude you feel for this, the more joy you will experience.

9. Listening to music

This is one of the most amazing ways to get that dopamine hit! You know that feeling when you’re grooving to a song? You can feel joy and even ecstasy! It feels like you’re invincible! So pull out those headphones and really immerse yourself in the music.

Now I know that when you listen to music every day around the same time in a similar environment, it can lose its spark. So to keep it alive, change things up. Listen to new songs and this time, really immerse yourself in the music, Don’t think about work or anything while you’re listening. Just listen and be mindful of it. Listen to upbeat music and feel the joy!

10. Find joy in life by doing an act of kindness or receiving kindness

Here’s another easy and simple way to find joy in life! Hold the door for a stranger or give your friend a gift or some flowers. Volunteer somewhere and donate some money. Give someone a compliment or message someone a note of appreciation. Tell someone what you’re grateful for about them.

An act of kindness will boost your joy because you’ll feel so good doing it. Studies have shown that doing something kind for someone else actually boosts your well-being. For example, one study found that when people spent money on others, they actually felt better than when they spent it on themselves.

Although, receiving an act of kindness will probably feel just as good! Can you brainstorm some ideas of kindness or try one of these?

Which one of these tips are you going to try to increase your joy or have you already done it today? Comment below!

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