
Why character development is as important as personal development

Personal development, self-improvement, and personal growth. What do you think of when you hear these phrases or words?

After dabbling in the personal development world for a few years, I’ve realized that it’s all about change and growth. It is all about making oneself better. Getting a better body, better mindset, better habits and a better lifestyle. It is about improving your health, relationships, career, skills, abilities, and confidence. Everyone is trying to be a better version of themselves.

This is all amazing and necessary. But I think in that race of becoming the best version of yourself, most people forget about character development. Even though character development is part of becoming the best version of yourself.

Character development is about becoming a better human being. A more compassionate human being, a more patient human being, a better human being. True character development is about embodying the virtues and holding the ambition to become a better human being.

This requires a certain level of courage and ambition. You have to put your ego aside and say I want to become more compassionate. I want to erase this lust or greed within myself and do better. I want to transform into a better mother, father, daughter etc. It also requires a certain level of humility.

But this is lasting transformation. This is a transformation of the real self, the true self. This is a transformation of the soul.

What does character development truly mean?

Character development is about embodying virtues such as kindness, patience, diligence, humility, and more. It is about listening to your moral compass. It also involves removing negative qualities or traits.

Unlike building better habits or an improved mindset, being a better human being is easier in one way. Building habits and a different mindset takes some time and resources. But being a better human being is a choice.

We have the choice to be more compassionate or loving towards someone. It barely takes any effort other than the choice to do better. We have the choice, to be honest to others and to ourselves. We have a choice to take ownership of our mistakes.

Character development is about making moral choices and decisions. Ultimately being a better human being is all about making better choices.

How do you develop your character and become a better human being?

The toughest part of character development is becoming aware of where we need to get better and admitting that to ourselves. Often our ego will try to protect us from the shame and guilt we may feel. It may rationalize or use other defence mechanisms.

It is up to you to decide whether you want to accept and own that part of yourself or continue to hide it. Character development involves shadow work because you may have to face your shadow.

Though character development seems easier, it is actually harder. It is difficult to identify the flaws in our character. It is easier to identify negative habits like addiction, procrastination, or self-sabotage. Identifying negative thoughts and emotions is also easy. But owning the truth of who we are can be difficult.

Additionally, examining our character requires a certain level of courage and deep introspection. It also involves shadow work. It is also important to accept those parts of ourselves with compassion so we don’t get caught in the trap of guilt and shame.

Sometimes, there may be no flaws but you may just want to become a better human being. This still involves cultivating self-awareness and knowing yourself. Then you can figure out when and how to cultivate that quality or virtue.

For example, suppose you realize you want to be more compassionate and loving toward others. You can start by sending messages of appreciation to friends and family. You can smile at strangers or say hello. When your friend complains about something, listen to them and be present with them.


While trying to improve our habits, thoughts, and skills are important, improving our character should be just as important. Trying to become better human beings should also be a project. It would lead to more fulfilling lives and a better world.

What are some virtues that you value? What do you want to embody in your life? Comment below!

Blackboard background with text that says character development is personal development.

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