Why am I not happy in life: The missing key to happiness
Everyone WANTS to be happy. But only a few of us truly know HOW to be happy. Even if you’re not aware that you’re searching for happiness, you are searching for it in an indirect way. Ask yourself, what are you pursuing right now? What are you chasing right now? Are you trying to get that new job? Or make more money? Are you trying to lose body weight? Keep asking yourself why you are pursuing that goal. Why do you want to make more money? Assuming you’re already paying your bills and surviving, what more can money bring you? Maybe it is the lavish lifestyle you want. Why do…
How to consciously change your perception
Have you ever wondered why some of us are able to upgrade and evolve our lives while others stay stuck? Have you noticed that some people don't have much in life but are still happy while others are miserable? Or maybe you know some people that view the glass as half-full while others view it as half-empty. So what accounts for these differences? The answer is simply one's perception. In this blog post, I aim to discuss the topic of how we perceive and how to intentionally bring about a shift in our perception.