The Rise of Intuitive Wisdom

Short blurbs of intuitive wisdom for busy people.

Guided Message #1 – Active Vs. Passive Breaks

What is the difference between taking active breaks vs passive breaks?

Active breaks are when you have an intention to recharge and you know how to do it.

  • Action: This could involve taking walks, eating food, drinking water etc. The point is you know what you need at that moment to refuel and reenergize you.
  • Result: You feel rested/reenergized and more present.

A passive break is when you’re not present in recharging your mind or body.

  • Action: You mindlessly scroll on social media or watch TV.
  • Result: You don’t feel rested.

Guided Message #2 – Purpose Work

Your purpose is something that drives you. It is not driven by you.

In these popular times of social media and self-help books, everyone is vaguely aware of the concepts of purpose work, doing something that meaningful to you, the concept of Ikigai, or at the very least doing something you’re passionate about. Everyone wants to do something they’re passionate about and often or always, people translate that to a career path. People think that their purpose is to be a doctor, lawyer, photographer, or dancer.

But what people don’t realize is that these are things that are external to you. And anything that is external to you won’t last long because your motivation will dwindle sooner or later. You may not like parts of your career or feel bored with it at times. But you won’t feel that way about your purpose.

Your purpose is something that comes from within you hence it will never fade. You might lose touch with it but it will always come back. Your purpose may also shift or transform as you do but it will always be something that drives you. It won’t be driven by you like your career.

The career paths can be a medium to your purpose and help you achieve it but they are not your purpose. Your purpose is deeply connected to who you are, your journey, and maybe even your pain.

For example, I know that my purpose is to help heal humanity. Not just emotional wounds but even physical things. Coaching, blogging, and entrepreneurship is a medium that allows me to do so. Another thing to keep in mind is that your purpose may not translate into a career. It may be a part of your journey or simply who you are and maybe carried out by who you are.